Monday, February 25, 2013

Snack Attack!

I headed over to Whole Foods this morning to find some new snacks for my "Junk-Free" week.  I'd never actually been there before because it's about 20 minutes away and off my beaten path.  Needless to say, I'll be making regular trips back.  I felt like a kid in a candy store!  There were so many fun and unique snacks.  Not to mention the HUGE prepared food bars with soups, salads, international foods, etc. Wow!  It was almost more than I could take in in one trip. Here are just a few of the snacks I picked up....

I'm always a fan of a good seaweed snack.  These were "spicy chipotle" flavor.  I loved how they retained the seaweed flavor while kicking it up a notch with a Mexican flair.  They had just the right amount of spice, and yes....I ate them in the car.

{only 16 calories/pack}

I was a little skeptical of these FLAX SNAX but thought I'd give 'em a try....I was pleasantly surprised. They actually do taste like pizza!  You can taste the tanginess of the tomatoes and the savoriness of the herbs and spices.  My daughter couldn't get enough of them at lunch.

{180 calories, 13g fat, 5 net carbs, 5g protein/ 22 pieces}

These were just an impulse buy.  I found them on my way to the register and thought I'd see what they were all about.  I just recently started experimenting with chia seeds.  They're so good for you and can be added to just about anything {yogurt, cereal, beverages, breads/ can even use them as an egg substitute}.  The "southern bbq" were really good....  

....but the "feta and black olive" were awesome!!!  It shouldn't have been a surprise considering I snagged the last bag on the shelf.

{110 calories, 3.5g fat, 17g net carbs, 4g protein/ 22 crisps}

The texture is kind of like a thin soy crisp.  Here's a picture of one of the "feta and black olive" crisps.  Please excuse my ugly fingernails.  {FYI - Don't try to remove a shellac manicure by yourself while in the preschool drop-off line just because you're too cheap to spend $5 to get it properly removed.}

I can't wait 'til my next trip to Whole Foods.  I better go in with a game plan so I don't buy the whole store!

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