Saturday, February 23, 2013

Deadly Combinations....

As much as I enjoy cooking and eating healthy, I struggle with a serious sweet tooth.  Some people have the will power to just take a bite or two and be done. Not me.  One bite usually leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to the whole bag, which leads to feelings of guilt and self loathing. Ok, maybe that's a little dramatic.  Anyway, there are certain combinations that will get me every time.  One is pretty much any combination of chocolate & peanuts/peanut butter....

{At least they're dark chocolate m&m's!}

The second is chocolate & mint and the third is just about anything sweet & salty. This recent discovery is a perfect combination of two of my vices....dang you, Snyder's!!!

My husband and I picked up a bag of these at Kroger a while back and ate the whole thing on the way home.  That's kind of embarrassing to admit, especially since we live less that 10 minutes away.  Hey, it's healthy to indulge every once in awhile....right???

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